Perpustakaan USM telah melancarkan inisiatif baharu untuk mengoptimumkan carian bahan Course Reserve melalui OPAC Perpustakaan yang diintegrasikan dengan portal PEARL.
Integrasi sistem OPAC Perpustakaan dengan portal PEARL:
1. Paparan menu khas "Course Reserve" terus di portal pembelajaran apabila pelajar log masuk.
2. Akses bahan mengikut kod kursus dengan pautan langsung ke OPAC Perpustakaan.
💡 Manfaatnya? Pelajar kini dapat mengakses bahan rujukan dengan lebih mudah dan pantas melalui portal pembelajaran (PEARL) melalui paparan desktop dan mobile yang mesra pengguna!
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The USM Library has launched a new initiative to optimize the search for Course Reserve materials through the Library OPAC site that is now integrated with the PEARL portal.
Integration of the Library OPAC with PEARL:
1. Special "Course Reserve" Menu Display: This menu is directly accessible on the learning portal when students log in.
2. Access Materials by Course Code: Students can access materials directly through a link to the Library OPAC site.
💡 Benefits? Students can now access reference materials more easily and quickly via the PEARL learning portal, with a user-friendly display for both desktop and mobile devices!